Sri Harjanto Sahid was born in Sragen 25 November 1961. He graduated from ASDRAFI (Institute of Drama and Film) in 1984. Also studied in ABA YIPK in 1983-1984, studied Phylosophy in STIKH during 1982-1990, and studied Theatre in Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) in 1985-1990. When he was young he learned to paint in Sanggar Mandungan Baluwarti Solo. Privately tutored about Fine Arts and Painting by Satya Graha, But Muchtar, Fajar Sidik and Subroto SM.
He married Wara Anindyah in 1989 and have five children, Wiku Pulangasih, Seruni Bodjawati, Ratu Pandan Wangi, Satrio Kinasih, and Sang Putri Pesona.
Lists of his solo exhibitions are :
1. Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, 1998
2. Galeri Kafe SOLO (Owned by Sardono W. Kusumo), Surakarta
3. Galeri Sudut, Yogyakarta, 2002
4. Galeri Ruang Tamu Yogyakarta 2003
5. Galeri Ruang Tamu Yogyakarta 2008
Besides painting, he is also known as actor, poet, and film director. In 1983-1985 he won the trophy of The Best Poet in Poem Festival in Middle Java-DIY, seven times in a row. In 1985, he was awarded by Ibu Tien Suharto (The wife of Indonesian President at that time) as the Best Actor in Indonesian Drama Festival. In 1986 with Cynthia Group, he won the first trophy of Humour Dancing Competition in Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta. As an actor and director, he have made hundreds time stage performances. He also played as main character in more than 40 television series (During the period of 1981-2002), and his recent play was in Hanung Bramantyo's film titled "Kidung". Participate actively in some theatre groups such as: Teater Kerotog Sragen, Teater Lebur Jakarta, Teater Prazasti, Teater ASDRAFI, Teater Tikar, Teater Jeprik, Teater Gedek, Teater Aksara, Padepokan Jangkrik Bongol, Teater Skala, Serikat Aktor, and Teater Alam. He works together with a lot of actors and theatre workers such as : Yoyok Aryo, Noor WA, Azwar AN, Genthong HSA, Syntia MT Sumukti, Agung Waskito, Sri Sadhono, Whani Darmawan, Winsa Prayitno, Untung Basuki, Agus SP, Michael Asmara, Sulitno Harahap, Bambang AErT, Zulhamdani AS, and Djawahir Muhammad. In the last fourteen year Sri Harjanto reduce his activity as an actor and director, in order to be more focus with his job as painter and the manager of his gallery.
Sri Harjanto also wrote several essays and literatures in mass media. His solo poem anthology are titled Puisi Puisi (Poems, 1983), Legenda Tujuh Mimpi (The Legend of Seven Dreams, 1996), and Cermin Kawin (Wedding Mirror, 2000). He also made a join poem anthology titled Genderang Kurukasetra in 1983. He wrote also short stories and more than 20 plays, that often to be performed in Theatre Events in Indonesia. The example of the plays wrote by Sri Harjanto Sahid are: Pengarang (The Writer), Penyakit (Epidemy), Pak Polisi (Mr. Policeman), Kepala Pegadaian, Penyair yang Terbunuh (Killed Poet), Kuda Liar dari Ruang Gelap (Wild Horse from the Darkness), Kisah Dua Lelaki Hamil (The Story of Two Pregnant Men), Perkawinan di Ujung Tanduk (Dying Marriage), Dongeng dari Negara Republik Masuk Angin (The Tale from Fever Republic), Revolusi Tinja (Faeces Revolution), Namaku Siti (My Name is Siti), Sandiwara (The Play), Para Pengkhianat (The Traitors) et cetera. He wrote also fine art catalogue for Iswanto (1995), Pupuk Daru Purnomo (1996), Made Sukadana (1996), Harjiman (1998), and Abdul Rosyid (1999).
Related to his role in the world of Play, Drama, and Film, Sri Harjanto worked as a Lecturer in ISI-Art Institute of Indonesia (1990-1993), ASDRAFI (1992-1997), The College of Audio Visual Education MANDIRI (1996-1998), Literature Workshop Jogjakarta (1996-now), Center of Acting Education Azwar AN (2001-2003), ABHISEKA Center for Human Resource Development Yogyakarta (1992-now). He also often works as a judge in theatre competition, poem readings, and literature writings.
Sri Harjanto's hobbies are collecting books, stamps, old maps, films, old photos, comics, paintings, and sculptures. He has more than 10,000 books (Specially Art and Literature Books), about 500 dramas, 500 poem anthologies, and 2,000 novels. He has more than 3,000 films, more than 400 paintings (those didn't made by the member of Galeri Ruang Tamu), sculptures, and thousands sketches created by Basuki Abdullah, Dullah, Hendra Gunawan, Hendro Juwono, Surono, Kartono Yudhokusumo, Widayat, Kartika Affandi, Saptoto, Batara Lubis, Djajeng Asmara, Lawson Wood, Mersad Berber, Loe Boen Koen, Abdulsalam, Zaini, Maraja Sitompul, Sudarisman, Ivan Sagita, Edie Hara, Heri Dono, Dadang Christanto, Mudjiono D, Masriadi, Heri Kris, Made Sukadana, Pupuk Daru Purnomo, Supantono, Widodo, Gunardi, Toto Andriyanto, Witono, Lulus Santoso, Karte Wardaya, Iskandar S., Mahmudi, Doddy Kuswanto, Dewi Nyai, Klowor, Jamaludin Malik, Eko Haryono, Herupati, Ugo Untoro, Edi Sunaryo, Faizal, Cipuk Sri Setyowati Mulyanim Anis Ekowindu, Hayattudin, Robi Fathoni, et cetera.
He lives and works with his family in Jalan Lowanu Gang Dahlia UH VI No 686 D Sorosutan Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Mobile phone : +62818268561
(Part 2) Sekeluarga Melukis Mengolah Rasa dan Kreasi-RBTV 2006: Profil Berita Apa Kabar Jogja
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